Wahhabi Thoughts in Pakistan and the Challenges in PakistanIran Relations

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Abdolreza Alishahi, Esmaeil Dashtban, Zahra Hossein Pour

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Published: 21 August 2019 | Article Type :


The unification of the Wahhabi Sheikh and the Saudi emir in the eighteenth century and its historical continuity led to the formation of the Saudi state of the twentieth century with the official religion of Wahhabism in that country. The Saudi government uses this profession to attract the attention of the Wahhabi clergy as well as its instruments of influence and diplomacy in Islamic countries. The Pakistani state also has the ability to absorb Saudi Wahhabism for some reason, which could be exploited to curtail the influence of rival Iran and disrupt the Islamic Republic of Iran and Pakistan. This paper seeks to examine the context of Saudi Wahhabi's influence in Pakistan and to examine the impact of this influence on the relations between Pakistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran. In this regard, by using a descriptiveanalytical method and utilizing reliable library resources, it is assumed that the religious and religious poverty and economic and cultural poverty in Pakistan, along with the financial strength and educational centers of propaganda in the possession and influence of Saudi Arabia, Have led to the emergence and expansion of Wahhabi Salafism in Pakistan. On the other hand, given the extreme conflict between this profession and the Shia religion, Wahhabi Salafism is working to confront the Shiites and challenge the Pakistani relationship with the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Keywords: Iran-Pakistan relations, Salafism, Saudi foreign policy, Wahhabism.

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How to Cite


Abdolreza Alishahi, Esmaeil Dashtban, Zahra Hossein Pour. (2019-08-21). "Wahhabi Thoughts in Pakistan and the Challenges in PakistanIran Relations." *Volume 3*, 3, 19-31